Many women initially recoil at the thought of coming to an all-female residential rehab centre. Their experiences from school, the community or indeed within their own family mean that they associate it with being a battleground. Our experience could not be further from this truth.
As most of our residents have suffered from some form of abuse or trauma in their childhoods then where better to discuss this than with others who have been through the same or similar? We create a safe space where women can talk about their experiences and know that the information shared will be protected and respected.
Although at Hebron House it is not mandatory to share in group therapy it is advised and most people find great benefit in doing so. The understanding that can come from sharing can be profound. Since the dawn of society, women have supported each other through talking and sharing and in an all-female therapeutic setting we find as much therapeutic work that happens with professionals during the day can happen in the evening and weekends.
Very often women join us from situations that have been dangerous or chaotic and due to a lack of boundaries may have chosen partners that are not suitable. Hebron is safe and nurturing and many life-long friendships are formed here.
Trust is an important part of life which has been destroyed in most women who walk through our doors. Learning to trust staff and fellow residents is attained through following the 12 steps which runs throughout our therapeutic programme. Through the act of sharing in groups and with counsellors, women start the process of trusting other people and realise that there is help and support for the rest of their lives.
We very rarely experience problems between residents and if and when there is a potential issue we help mediate and support so that a positive conclusion is reached. Even this can be a profound learning experience and a pivotal moment in therapy as realisations occur about why there has been a dispute or clash of personalities. However, for the most part groups tend to be nurturing and loving towards each other as women hear each other’s life stories. The journey through rehab should not be easy and without conflict as this is where learning comes from but it must be a safe space where everyone can be themselves.
So if you are considering rehab and are reticent to choose an all-female environment we would strongly urge you to think again and ask yourself questions about why you are fearful and what is behind this choice? Listen to the professionals around you and explore your options, it might be the first good decision you make towards a new life in recovery.