hebron house

Winter newsletter – we’ve been busy!

Whats been happening!

Hello to everyone and a big thank you to all our local churches who donated an incredible amount of harvest festival produce to us!

We have had a busy Autumn and enjoyed our wonderful 30th Birthday party in September! Over 50 friends and partners attended including many Hebron graduates.

It was lovely to see you all.

New raised beds!

We have new raised beds in the garden built and fitted by Green Shoots – Thank you to them! We will look forward to planting in the spring and having our own produce in the Summer months.

Busy preparing for the Christmas Fayre

Staff and residents are busy preparing for the Christmas fayre. This year to be held at NCBC on Nov 25th at 11am – 4 pm. All are welcome. Last years was a great success. There will be over 25 craft and gift stalls as well as raffle and mince pies. We would love to see you there. Share the facebook invite.

Staff Profiles – Rachel Hudson, Business Support Coordinator

I joined the team at Hebron in May as the Business Support Co-ordinator. I was looking for a new challenge and an opportunity to utilise the knowledge skills and experience I have gained over the years in a variety of roles. Hebron House is a wonderful resource for women in recovery and I feel privileged to be part of the work at Hebron. The team and residents are welcoming and supportive and a pleasure to work with. Read more…

News from the resettlement team

As the season changes and we come into Autumn and Winter we are reminded that in recovery complacency can rear it’s head.  The tools that have been acquired at Hebron need to be diligently adhered to in the community, so make sure you are:

  • Doing a daily inventory
  • Doing daily readings
  • Doing a weekly planner
  • Attending meetings
  • Reviewing goals set

Our move-on house has had a bit of a make-over with decorating work completed, a deep clean  and new flooring about to go down all in time for 2 new residents who will move in before Christmas.

It is approaching that time of year again for our annual Karaoke night. Previous years have seen people battling for the microphone after they have plucked up the courage and a good time has been had by all cheered on by the rest of us.